Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoThe stupidity in saying that all modern-day white people are racist is one of the more idiotic ideas of PC social justice warriors.
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Declared by anonymous on Wednesday, July 12, 2017
fUck you guys
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Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
These politically correct jerks have no soul. PC social justice warriors (SJWs) have never fallen in love. They don't even love their own children. Politically correct people are bullies who want to dominate other people. PC people are creepy control freaks. Instead of emotions and a soul, politically...
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Declared by anonymous on Thursday, June 8, 2017
Matt Cutts is the anti-christ in all things online marketing. The voice of the anti-christ has risen above common scientific sense and has rendered mortal SEO folk deaf to the real experiential world. As a false idol he takes much beating within SEO circles. We must rise up against the 'word of Matt' and...
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Declared by Weedgie Vendeta on Monday, October 8, 2007
The idiocy of politically correct social justice warriors (SJWs) is totally asinine. These jerks think you're sinful if you eat food, listen to music, or buy art from non-white people. PC fanatics are bullies: don't do this, say it this way, don't wear that, wear this instead, don't listen to this or that...
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Declared by never PC on Sunday, May 28, 2017
You are being assaulted for thy act of greed, lust and big-talk which you cannot live up to.
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Declared by The Plague Dentist on Wednesday, May 30, 2018
bitch ass sayin u asexual u don't know what the fuck it even means u fake u fake as fuck
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Declared by furious gay on Thursday, September 29, 2016
Hello my freind i would like to invite you to join this once in a lifetime opportunity in a personal holy war against Lucas Nienhouse for being stupid.
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Declared by I hate idiots on Wednesday, May 27, 2015
There's nothing more tyrannical than political correctness. To be PC is to be a domineering bully, always bossing other people around, always telling other people what to do and what to say. These PC social justice warriors (SJWs) are not so much interested in justice as they are in bullying and bossing...
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Declared by no more PC bullying on Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Megan Reneau is disgusting, because on one of the more popular social media sites with the initials FB, stated she doesn't care about very young underage girls who were sexually molested by a well-known Olympics gymnastics coach now on trial. Megan says that all little girls who are sexually molested are to...
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Declared by very distressed on Thursday, January 18, 2018
Hope I cause a lot of Controversy!!
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Declared by Liquid_Shizzles on Monday, October 8, 2007
Last night, a creepy, Charles Manson guy (Google him, if you've never heard the name Charles Manson - although you'd be horribly uneducated and stupidly ignorant if you've never heard of the Charles Manson Family in Los Angeles in the year 1969) and his fat, ugly Mexican reject, overweight (disgusting)...
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, November 19, 2016
There i was walking down the street the other day when my particulary amusing friend made a very amusing joke involving a rhino and a pumpkin..then my other friend, laughing, said lol....LOL.... what is wrong with you!!! You know that language you were taught as a child....USE IT!!!.....Nd get outside nd off...
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Declared by bob on Sunday, May 25, 2008
Candace the stupid dumb lesbian whore slut can go eat dog shit from the back yard if she cant be bothered walking to see shit for me and fuck her greaseball boyfriend and have a fucking wog son thats heaps greasy ... woggy fuckin offspring... the fucking library fucking whore some dick slapped in her face...
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Declared by anonymous on Sunday, October 21, 2007
On Wednesday, May 25, 2016, between 5:39 and 5:45 p.m., at the MTA bus stop at the Ralph’s market, 10901 Ventura Blvd., at the intersection of Ventura Blvd. and Campo de Cahuenga in Studio City, California (within L.A. county) a creepy Japanese-American guy, possibly in his 40s, was taking suspicious...
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Declared by anonymous on Thursday, May 26, 2016
To call a woman a “whore” because she’s not your ideal person is laughably corny and trite. Really childish and retarded!
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Declared by Anon on Saturday, April 11, 2015
This crazy, deranged psycho Asian/South Pacific/Thai/Philippina woman in my building in Studio City, Los Angeles County stated that Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck is her sexual boyfriend, therefore my mom, Isabel Nupoll, and I and other people in our building at 4326 Babcock Ave., Studio City,...
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Declared by anonymous victim of PC bullies on Saturday, March 11, 2017
Why would you dare to state there are only 24 hours in a day and force us to cram 29 hours worth of stuff into it. Jihad on you society for forcing me to attempt to give up, YOU SHALL ALL BE DESTROYED!!!
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Declared by art on Tuesday, December 15, 2009
First of all you silly piece of shits who have the gut to call others UGLY, If you have a great face and all, it doesn't mean you'll call others ugly, A nice face and a trashy attitude is NEVER a good combination, and honestly if you have never been called UGLY by someone else,it doesn't mean you'll call...
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Declared by A fucked up 17 year old. on Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Deviled eggs come from evil chickens, an abomination to fowl everywhere. They should not be served at family gatherings.
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Declared by Jim on Monday, October 8, 2007