Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infowhy do some people get so much while others have nothing?
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, June 1, 2013
BANG BANG KILL KILL. Ich bin very smart. Damn good job all of me's. Operation Plane Stupid is in very effective, is in effect. Hail Hisajekillyahweh. 9/11 getz me wet.
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Declared by Ice Cream bitch Neat nigger on Monday, December 9, 2013
Why the fuck do you have to chew that fucking gum so loudly --- it is just a small strip of gum .... why the fucking mutiny mother fucker ???
and why do people have to chew so loudly and smack their fucking lips and bang the cutlery on the plate like fucking retards ........
I hate those fucking assholes...
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Declared by Misophonia on Wednesday, July 9, 2014
OK, we've had it, we've tolerated enough stupidity already.
It is time to remove all safety labels, all safeguards, all barriers and all caution warnings off everything. We declare Jihad on every stupid person on this planet, and may Our Lady of Discord sort THEM all out.
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Declared by Apoplexia Complexis Befuddle on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
when you struck my vehicle on the freeway today, you gave the officer your driver's license and then FAILED to exit the next offramp for the report writing. WTF.
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Declared by anony on Thursday, July 18, 2013
Seventywane, ton département est une terre de viandards. Viens pas piquer les oies des honnêtes gars d'ch'nord !!!
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Declared by Juste derrière on Monday, October 8, 2007
Poor, poor Ronnie Radner and Joe Ellen Not for trying to make me look like.... whatever! Good luck to you gals, i used to think you both had a rational brain and then I am informed by a friend that you made crap up about me. I hope it made you feel better. ;)
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I'll kill you.
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Declared by Aju on Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I hereby declare that all the kurdish terrorists in the world must be eradicated! Those sodomized kurdish people have been attacking on Turkey for over 25 years killing almost 30.000 innocents! They killed us 30.000 times but the rest of the world do still support them and call them as "freedomfighters" and...
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Declared by whocares on Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Do i really need to say it??
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, July 26, 2009
Jihad on you, you murdering banana slammer!!!!
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, May 7, 2011
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, June 2, 2013
You have discrased the holy religeon of the Islam with your lack of knowledge of the Koran. Marrying a believer does not make you Islamic, nor does dressing like one either. You are still an infidel in the face of Allah. To regain your faith and prove yourself you must go on a pilgramidge to Mecca....
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, October 11, 2007
You took my f*ing kidney! >(
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Declared by Charlie on Monday, December 10, 2007
All glory and praise to the brunettes, proven time and time again to be genetically superior.
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, January 25, 2009
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The ones who are just trying to make the money and stay out of turf and business violence, more power to you. But the ones who are retaliating and keeping a high profile, I wish the wrath for you. It seems as if Mexico is taking a lesson from the good ole '71 Nixon administration. Obama may never use the...
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Declared by J Cannabis on Sunday, September 12, 2010
You cut people up. You habitually break the speed limit. You think you're so clever when it's just luck that keeps you from killing someone. You haven't seen the kid knocked off his bicycle and killed by some idiot doing 50 in a 30 zone. You do just whatever pleases you because you can't be bothered to take...
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, October 8, 2007
You suck! Stand up and be counted you fkn SHEEP! And, for God Sakes quit procreating!!!
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Declared by Major Majority on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fuck you.
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, October 8, 2007