Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoWhat the heck is wrong with you? I hope you get fired...soon. No one cares if you think you're working too hard - especially not your customers and double especially not when you only have four tables to wait on. I think we all appreciate what a hard job being a waiter is - we don't need to hear it from you,...
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Declared by Daniel on Sunday, September 16, 2007
Those guys are pussies! We can't have that!
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, October 7, 2007
Stupid DTOP code basterd!
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, October 8, 2007
I declare jihad on all you believers. You substitute your brains with ancient books, thinking with believing and judgement with submission. You trade your desire to comfortably not feeling responsible for anything - your gods and books are - against your (and, if you could, our) freedom. See you in hell...
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Declared by Rene Descartes on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I must declare JIHAD on you! Look it; you're SHORT, UGLY and CROOKED (he kinda leans to the left)... Not only that, but when I wake up in the morning - HE's THERE.... When, I go to the bathroom - HE's THERE... disgusts me! short little bastard!!
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Declared by Itsy Bitsy Leany Weany on Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Luxembourg is the cockroach of Europe. You read about it getting conquered, turn a few pages in your history book, and BAM! It's there again! Well we will not stand for it! We will rise against you and divide you between France, Belgium and Germany! At long last the pimple of Europe will be popped! LONG LIVE...
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Declared by Norfolk Liberation Organization on Saturday, November 3, 2007
What the fuck is this? Don't fucking write a page about what songs gays wouldn't be without.
To the OP of the website: Shut the fuck up, faggot.
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Declared by Dancing Queen on Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Close your legs, close your fucking legs,
Close your door, you fithy fucking whore,
Keep it shut, keep it fucking shut,
Stop being such a fucking slut.
Your lips are spread on a disco stick,
You slut, you make me fucking sick,
To the bone, to the gut,
Oh fuck, I just threw up.
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Declared by www.myspace.com/idvoz on Thursday, June 4, 2009
I hate all of you, from the hipsters to the yuppies to the businessmen.
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Declared by Disgruntled Bostonian on Friday, July 24, 2009
It's so small and puny!
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Declared by Skully on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
i live in dorms and the stupid cunts ther set off door alarms at night sometimes. so our dumbass hale leader decides to keep the doors except 1 alarmed for a whole fuckin week. Now as if its not bad enough I gotta take the long way to get places ALWAYS, I set off alarm once cuz im pissed and late and the...
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Declared by barks on Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Really? I know why you want to be my "friend" and its just all for your convenience. The reason I'm so blunt with you isn't because I like you or am comfortable with you. It's because you're faker than Heidi Montag's tits and you're a bitch. to boot. Don't talk about me to my friends. Don't try to come to me...
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, September 10, 2011
Fuck you bitch. Either get over it or fuck off all together. Yup, I cheated on you. So now we aren't together anymore. It happened a long ass time ago. If we are still gonna be friends then you HAVE to stop obsessing over the cheating and bringing it up and calling me names and bitching and all that shit...
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, January 13, 2012
Piss on your no creativity, no programming or fixing, and dumb enough to buy M.S.'s operating systems while their still in Beta Form. Buy a HP while your at it, with a AMD in it! Get smart people. JTG
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Declared by jeffthegeek on Friday, May 16, 2014
when you struck my vehicle on the freeway today, you gave the officer your driver's license and then FAILED to exit the next offramp for the report writing. WTF.
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Declared by anony on Thursday, July 18, 2013
YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!! You have been getting your own way since the day you were born so I think it's about time you ditch your fake assed halo off, along with the mask, so the world can see you for exactly what you are. A DISGUSTING, HYPOCRITICAL, BACKSTABBING HAG WHO FUCKING CONDONED HER PSYCHO BITCH...
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Declared by Lady Justice on Thursday, March 20, 2014
Please stop stalking me. Just stop. If you cannot deal with the situation or me, either commit to leaving, like you said you would, or come and talk to me about it personally. You have blocked me on every way possible, yet you think it is even moderately okay to keep stalking me? You are degrading me by...
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, September 24, 2015
Why do people talk to me about stuff I don't care about? Am I just too nice of a person to tell them to fuck off. If I am saying "Yeah", "Right", "Uh-huh" it's because I don't have anything to say and I couldn't care less about your problems. Chances are I just want to get off the phone and stab myself in...
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Declared by Ted on Thursday, September 20, 2007
You thought i forgot about last time? You fat slob. You are fat and disgusting and you eat everybody's food without even asking. I hope your body belt breaks and you stomach falls down to your knees. This guy steals food from poor kids and clothes that dont even fit him from the salvation army.
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Declared by Mike da Don on Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Let's face it - Monday's suck balls.
Monday - May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pants...
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Declared by AJAG on Sunday, October 7, 2007