Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoi paid five bucks for my breakfast this morning, mostly because i wanted pancakes. standing one space behind you with ten pancakes left, i figured there'd be plenty. but no, apparently it takes exactly ten pancakes to feed your ninety pound sorority girl body. because of you, i had to downgrade to biscuits....
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Declared by derek on Monday, September 10, 2007
To all the women who take advantage of the decent guys out there.
You are the minx on the back of a rabid dog.
Ready to pounce on the average bloke.
You prepare your hangmans rope in the fog.
As love dazed your hands on our throats to choke.
What was it that you were after at the end...
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Declared by Traol Coladis on Monday, October 8, 2007
All of you were sons and one daughter of bitches. Corrupt, lying, stealing, cheating, shameless bastards and a bitch. Hope you, your families and your future generations get raped day in day out.
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Declared by upset negro on Monday, October 8, 2007
Contrary to your opinion Czech republic is not situated in Germany or Switzerland.
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Declared by Abdul Hassan on Saturday, November 3, 2007
You're pregnant again! Here's to you!
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Declared by The people who love you. on Thursday, November 29, 2007
You're a piece of shit and you eat all the ham. PS, stop watching me sleep. It's creepy.
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Declared by Drew on Monday, January 14, 2008
Fag paste peice of shit fialed me
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, May 22, 2009
Your stupid policies on authorising FAMILY MEMBERS to collect postal articles should earn you a real JIHAD. Death to all old-fashioned policy-makers!!
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Declared by Your once faithful customer on Monday, July 20, 2009
Is it really so hard to fucking clear up after yourself for once?!? I feel sorry for any woman who has to live with you. You are a drain on everyone around you, being an inconvenience, a cost and an irritation without any forseeable gain. Get your arse together and do something worthwhile for once in your...
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Declared by Raeface on Tuesday, August 3, 2010
After arguing with you ASSHOLES for too many emails and phone calls, fuck you....Ultimate does not let you pick drivers for cool aftermarket video cards and such. Windows 8 sucks too. Quit selling America Beta versions of your shitty operating systems until they run correctly. Lying, scamming, creeps.
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Declared by Jeffthegeek on Monday, March 24, 2014
Leave a company and go off to greener pastures... go ahead and never look back Mr. Wisecarver. Oh, don't worry about all that work left behind... SOMEONE WILL DO IT. JIHAD ON YOU.
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Declared by Steve on Monday, September 10, 2007
I would go on and on about how only dumbshits fall for fake check scams or how people who try to get dumbasses to cash their fraudulent checks and counterfeit moneyorders are all evil and immoral and how karma's gonna come after them. But no... I'm going to come after you with a submachine oozie and shoot...
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, October 8, 2007
What the bleedin hell has Al Gore got to do with peace? You gave him the Nobel Peace prize for his doom-mongering about climate change.
This is as ridiculous as the Meteorological Office giving their "Weatherman of the year award" to the Dalai Lama.
There is only one connection between Climate Change...
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, October 12, 2007
For knowingly and wantingly dealing in business with the infidel and for impersonating the prophet
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Declared by Jon Withaar on Sunday, October 14, 2007
What's so funny in asking me what time it is after I told you I do not wear a watch? Is there anything funny about it, moron?
I'll tell you why you do it: because your parents are cousins of each other!
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Declared by I Hate Morons on Friday, September 12, 2008
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, December 15, 2008
God i think i should really be so pissed i nvr speak to her again. I met this girl freshmen year. We hung out became friends. Sr. year i ask her to prom she says yes. Everything goes great. I pay for the limo and the tickets. BTW im not rich at all this came out of my pocket. Later this year I get the balls...
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, August 21, 2009
May all the camels in the world shit on your business causing bankruptcy so you're family knows what it's like to have to kiss ass for a job
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Declared by Susan on Thursday, December 9, 2010
I declare a jihad on you, your dirty infidel. Die yankee scum!
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Declared by ryan on Saturday, January 15, 2011
You have disgraced the Islamic faith and the Muslim people for the last time!
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Declared by Al Zawahiri on Saturday, July 2, 2011