Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI hate all my friends, cos of their stupid idea of getting drunk on mondey, I lost my voice..I cant only speak loud but i missed a date with my babe too. Damn you bastards. Never ever on monday.
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Declared by Matt on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The jerks at Stormfront make it impossible to register. They have a Captcha system in which you’re supposed to complete a picture they’ve provided, but it’s physically impossible to do so. How stupid.
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, October 17, 2015
How are you just going to leave "the love of your life" here without you? It hurts. It really sucks. Like I love you man. Why you gotta do this?
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, May 19, 2016
Fuck off. Just fuck off. Really. I don't care. I said no once. Indeed, I said no a hundred times but you aren't listening.
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Declared by Bandrew McLoud on Monday, October 8, 2007
For Being a one person dictatorship. For limiting users to send just one link per day. For allowing people to send link from blogs just on Friday.
Hoder! you are a dictator!
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Declared by Phoenix12 on Monday, October 8, 2007
You suck as an employee. If you don't improve, I'll either fire you or my gods will kill your gods.
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Declared by Justice on Monday, October 8, 2007
Bling off and Shut the FUCK up,BITCH!
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Declared by offensive4ever on Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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Declared by JIhad al Mulvaney on Friday, December 4, 2009
U are all immature assholes who go around telling people straight in the face that theyre ""ugly"". Just so you know,youre not particularly ""good looking"" either so i suggest u sit ur fucking ass down. The world doesnt need attention thirsty people like u who give unwanted and judgemental opinions on other...
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Declared by the one u call ugly on Tuesday, September 3, 2013
These politically correct social justice warriors have gone too far, by bullying The Gap into apologizing for a print ad, in which a taller white little girl is leaning her arm on the top of a shorter black girl’s head. These PC schmucks are claiming this ad is racist. What bullcrap. They obviously have...
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, April 7, 2016
You ugly, pointless, yellow basards. You fly in my house uninvited, making a noise, pissing me off and you serve no useful purpose to nature you useless plebs.
No-one likes you, no-one wants you. You're a mistake in evolution and you're nasty with it.
At least a Bee is good looking and has the decency...
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Declared by Jaxta on Friday, October 12, 2007
Gawd-danmit! Will get all 5 of your followers online to shut the hell up? We get it. They like you. It's even a little creepy how much they like you. But no amount of shouting from their parent's basements is going to convince the majority of Americans to vote for you.
Does the system suck? You bet....
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Declared by Kick The Donkey on Tuesday, October 16, 2007
They are always thinking that they are better than me and calling me names! AAAAAAAAAAARG!
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2009
Spheres are superior. There will be no debate. Those with edges shall be wiped from existence.
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Declared by The Sphere on Wednesday, December 11, 2013
I'm sick of those people who can't enjoy a good thing such as biking and who blame the victim each time a cyclists dies in an accident on the road.
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, April 30, 2012
Stupid fucking cunt. My mother-in-law Lana Cochran, is the biggest fucking bitch in the world. Like I bring you into my fucking home you stupid bitch. And you fucking go through my fucking personal belongings and steal from me bitch? No you dumb fucking cunt. Go put a fucking gun to your head and fucking...
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
YOU are clearly THE BEST boyfriend in the entire world for me. I take great pleasure in seeing you smile, and I hate it when I have to hurt your feelings or lie to you. I love the silly, childish things we do together and I cherish every moment you spend making me feel like a worthwhile,...
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Declared by H on Wednesday, January 20, 2016
I declare Jihad on for changing his name on Facebook..
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Declared by Soham on Friday, February 26, 2016
bitch i was straight up the best friend anyone could ever be and then u lyin to my face to hang out with the same hoe that treats ya like dirt??
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Declared by th fukc on Thursday, April 7, 2016
You invade the privacy of every human being on the planet daily. You have worked hard to keep your operations secret. But now we know what you are doing, and we shall not tolerate it. We shall use the full force of the law to bring you to your knees. The Holy War on the NSA continues!!!
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 31, 2017